The surname was first found in Hessen, Germany, and later spread to Denmark. In Denmark, surnames were generally not adopted until the 19th century. The name Erasmus is also established in South Africa, where it is the 78th most popular surname.
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The name "Erasmus" is derived from the Greek word "erasmos," meaning "beloved" or "loved". The Latinized form of the name is "Erasmus," which became a popular personal name.
The name is associated with Saint Erasmus of Formia (also known as Saint Elmo), a Christian saint and martyr who died around 303 AD. He is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and is the patron saint of sailors.
Over time, the spelling of the surname has varied, including Rasmussen, Rasmusen, Asmussen, Rasmus, Asmus, and Eras. These variations often resulted from transliterations and phonetic spellings.
Further research can be done at familysearch.org
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