The surname Storm originated in the Netherlands and Belgium in the late medieval period. It is derived from the Middle Dutch word 'storm', meaning 'storm' or 'tempest'. This name likely referred to a person's fierce or turbulent temperament or perhaps they lived in a particularly windy or storm-prone area.
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The surname Storm originated in the Netherlands and Belgium in the late medieval period. It later spread to other regions, including Germany and Scandinavia.
Chronicles first mention Arnold Storm of Rostock in 1283, and M. Stormere of Rostock in 1302. The surname became known for its contribution to medieval society in northern Germany.
Prominent Figures: Theodor Woldsen Storm (1817-1888) was one of the greatest writers of the later 19th century. His works had a significant impact on German literature.
Some of the first settlers with the surname Storm arrived in the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries. For example, Dirck Storm arrived in New Netherland in 1662, and Johannes Boy Storm settled in Philadelphia in 1727.
Spelling Variations: Over time, the spelling of the surname has varied, including Stormer, Stoermer, Stormere, Stormen, and Storms. These variations often resulted from transliterations and phonetic spellings.
Further research can be done at namesensus.com
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