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The surname “Theunissen” has its origins in Germany and the Netherlands. It is a patronymic surname, meaning it is derived from the personal name of a father. Specifically, “Theunissen” comes from the name Antonius, the Roman name for Anthony.
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This name was popularized by two major Christian saints: St. Anthony the Great, the father of Christian monasticism, and St. Anthony of Padua, a Franciscan monk and the patron saint of Padua and Portugal.
The Theunissen family name first emerged in medieval times in regions like Westphalia and the Lower Rhineland1. The earliest records of the surname include individuals such as Heinz Ton, recorded in Immenstaad in 1423, and Johann Tonsing, recorded in Osnabrück in 16491. Over time, the name spread to other regions, including the Netherlands and South Africa, where it remains relatively common today.
In South Africa, the surname Theunissen is ranked as the 826th most popular surname, with an estimated 8,408 people bearing the name. The name has also seen migration to the United States, with early settlers arriving in New York in the 17th century.
The Theunissen surname has various spelling variations, including Tönnies, Tönies, Töns, and Thon, reflecting its rich and diverse history.
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